The file sqldmo.dll is a 32bit Windows DLL module for Microsoft SQL Server or other related programs. The file and the associated Microsoft SQL Server software was developed by Microsoft Corporation. The file was licensed as 1988-2003 Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved..
sqldmo download
To fix the error, you need to copy the missing sqldmo.dll file to your system or replace the corrupted dll file with a working one by following the instructions below. There are 2 different versions of the dll file available for download with sizes between 2.5MB - 4.02MB.
You can download sqldmo.dll for free from the download section on this page. After downloading the zip file, unzip it to a convenient location on your computer. In order to fix dll related errors, you need to copy the .dll file to the installation folder of the application/game, or install .dll file directly to Windows (Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 10).
To quickly resolve your problem, we recommend download and use sqldmo.dll Fix Tool. If you have technical experience and you want to install a DLL file manually, please select your version of Windows and download sqldmo.dll, after that copy it to the appropriate place using the instruction below, it will fix dll errors.
sqldmo.dll - dll file called "Distributed Management Objects OLE DLL for SQL Enterprise Manager" is a part of Microsoft SQL Server program developed by Microsoft Corporation.
Some applications or games may need this file to work properly. If sqldmo.dll is missing, whenever you start the application/game you may experience various kinds of errors. To fix those errors, please read the Recommended Solution below.
First of all, it is worth understanding why a sqldmo.dll file is missing and why sqldmo.dll errors occur. It is widespread for users to encounter situations where software does not work due to flaws in .dll files.
I recalled that the only thing I had to do to use the SQL-DMO objects was to add a reference to its type library from the VB project. But starting with VC 5.0, we have compiler built-in COM support - just by using the #import preprocessor directive, the compiler reads a type library and generates C++ wrapper classes and smart pointers for COM interfaces. So we get the ease of VB and the power of C++. I mention that, because the majority of complaints is that almost all the samples are implemented with VB - but conversion of them to C++ is just a game. Besides, using compiler COM support allows us to use the same code both in MFC and ATL and without any framework at all (the old MFC project is also available for download). Just see the sample code.
I have removed the rcstamp.exe (tool for increasing project build number) from the project to decrease its size. If you want to automatically increase the project build number, download the RCStamp Tool, copy it into the solution's bin subdirectory and add the following lines to the project post-build step:
1) The sql server client tools are not installed. 2) The sql server client tools are not installed correctly. The sqldmo.rll file is not present on the client and so sqldmo.dll did not registerFollowing is the list of SQL-DMO related DLLs that you need to enable DMO from a client: Sqldmo.dll Distributed Management Objects Resource File Sqldmo.rll Sqlsvc.dll Sqlsvc.rll Sqlwoa.dll Sqlresld.dll Sqlwid.dll W95scm.dll see "More Information"
We'll start with a log table that looks like this:CREATE TABLE [dbo].[BatchLog] ([EntryID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,[JobID] [int] NULL ,[Message] [varchar] (255) NULL )and a stored procedure that looks like this. (At the bottom of this article is a link to a SQL Script with all this code.)CREATE PROCEDURE spi_BatchLog (@JobID int, @Message varchar(255) ) ASSET NOCOUNT ONINSERT BatchLog (JobID, Message)VALUES (@JobID, @Message)SET NOCOUNT OFFPretty basic stuff so far. Now what we want to do is going to look something like this (written in my weak excuse for SQL Server psuedo-code): 1. Log a message 2. Begin Tran 3. Execute Task A 4. Log a message 5. Rollback Task A while keeping the messages 6. Log a rollback messageI'm going to show you a couple of highlights from the script. Please download the full script and run it to see how it functions. First we log a message about starting the job, begin a transaction and put in a transaction to roll back (steps 1-3 above).EXEC spi_BatchLog @JobID, 'Starting Batch'BEGIN TRAN -- This is never committed, it's just a test -- Insert another message - this one will be rolled back-- (This is just to give is something to rollback in our test proc)-- This is the Execute Task A from aboveEXEC spi_BatchLog @JobID, 'Roll Me Back' -- Task AThe next step is connect to SQL-DMO. We do that using the sp_OACreate stored procedure:EXEC @Error = sp_OACreate 'SQLDMO.SQLServer', @oSQLServer OUTThe variable @oSQLServer is our pointer for future references to this object. In the script you'll see a couple of housekeeping statements at this point. The next major piece of code in the script calls the stored procedure to record a log entry. Basically we are calling the stored procedure through the SQL-DMO connection which is outside the scope of our declared transaction (step 4 above).SET @SQL = 'EXECUTE spi_BatchLog ' + CONVERT(CHAR(12),@JobID) + ', ' + '''Message from Inside Transaction'''-- Execute the SQL (this will NOT be rolled back)-- We could use ExecuteImmediate here, but it doesn't return a result-- and we found while debugging that you really NEED thatSET @Length = LEN(@SQL)SET @ErrorMsg = '' -- Must initialize the @ErrorMsg stringEXEC @Error = sp_OAMethod @oDatabase, 'ExecuteWithResultsAndMessages', @oQueryResults OUTPUT, @Length = @Length, @Command = @SQL , @Messages = @ErrorMsg OUTPUTIF @Error 0 GOTO OA_ErrorThat series of statements called the spi_BatchLog stored procedure outside the scope of the transaction. You'll see that entry in the log file even thought there is a ROLLBACK TRAN issued next.SET @Error = 50001ROLLBACK TRAN --step 5 above-- Get the message descriptionSELECT @ErrorMsg = 'Critical Error: ' + convert(varchar(10), @Error)-- Write the error to the log (step 6 above)EXEC spi_BatchLog @JobID, @ErrorMsgThat completes the script. As a last step we'll SELECT back the contents of the BatchLog table and see this:EntryID JobID Message----------- ----------- ---------------------------------- 1 10 Starting Batch3 10 Message from Inside Transaction4 10 Critical Error: 50001(3 row(s) affected)Notice that our "Message from Inside Transaction" entry is present. Also notice that our "Roll Me Back" entry is not in the table. It would have been EntryID 2 which is missing from our result set.Thanks Andy for this great solution. I'm actually working on including it in a 10 million row update that I'm writing write now. You can download the complete script here. If you have any further discussion, please post them in the original thread.
PrintLimit Print Tracking uses MS Access by default. You can also use SQL Server (including the free edition of SQL Server). If you don't have a SQL server in your environment, you can download the free edition of SQL Server from Microsoft website (searching keyword "SQL Server Express" in Google). If you install PrintLimit Print Tracking on multiple servers, each server can use it's own local database or connect to a central SQL database.
The sqldmo.dll may not be registered correctly. Click Start --> Run --> regsvr32 sqldmo.dll. If this doesn't work, copysqldmo.dll to c:\Windows\system32 and copysqldmo.rll to c:\Windows\system32\resources\1033, then Click Start --> Run --> regsvr32 sqldmo.dll. If this still doesn't work, please see the question 4.
Informazioni sui File dllNome del file: sqldmo.dllVersione: 1998.11.13Dimensione del file: 2556KBDescrizione: Distributed Management Objects OLE DLL for SQL Enterprise ManagerDownload sqldmo.dll(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle []).push();Istruzioni per l'installazioneEcco qui una guida completa per l'installazione di sqldmo.dll. Leggila di seguito e saprai dove mettere sqldmo.dll.
Passo due. Carica sqldmo.dll in \Windows\System32 (di solito si trova nel disco C) se operi su Windows a 32 bit. Se operi su Windows a 64 bit, carica il file anche in \Windows\SysWOW64.
sqldmo.dll è una libreria a link dinamico che fa parte della componente Microsoft Visual C++. È usata da molti giochi e programmi moderni: x360ce, Age of Mythology, Arma 3, Battlefield 4, Dragon Age: Inquisition e molti altri.
Installing the MSDE that ships with Office 2000 automatically installs sqldmo.dll, which implements SQL-DMO for use with SQL Server 7.0 and MSDE. However, Office 2000 doesn't include the SQL-DMO Help file, sqldmo.hlp. Fortunately, developers working with MSDE have other alternatives. For one, if you have a spare client license for SQL Server 7.0, you can install the client-management tools; this installation process also implements sqldmo.hlp. Another alternative, SQL Server 7.0 Books Online (BOL), offers many Help pages on SQL-DMO. Also, a couple of articles can help you understand SQL-DMO programming better: Jason Fisher, "SQL-DMO Picks Up Where Enterprise Manager Leaves Off," February 2001, and my article "Programming SQL-DMO from Access," July 2000, which introduces SQL-DMO for Access developers.
Figure 1 shows an Access form serving as an explorer for SQL Server tables and their columns. (To download this form, see the More on the Web box.) The combo box shows a list of tables within a server's database. After the user chooses a table, the application populates the list box with the selected table's column names. If the user chooses another table from the combo box, the form automatically updates the list box's contents to the newly selected table's column names. 2ff7e9595c